Archaeological exhibition at the Macerata City Hall

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Valle del Potenza


At the Macerata City Hall there is an archaeological collection consisting of inscriptions and sculptures mostly from the town of Ricina; among these are some of considerable historical and archaeological significance, such as a public inscription (CIL IX 5746) which recalls the construction of thermal baths and roads by Trajan, and an Imperial inscription (CIL IX 5747) with the famous dedication of 205 from the colony of Helvia Ricina to Emperor Settimo Severo, to whom is attributed the role of "founder". In addition to the epigraphs of a public nature, there are numerous preserved inscriptions of a funerary nature. In addition to the Latin inscriptions, there are some funerary urns and statuary elements.

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that include this Archeological Site

Principi umbri e piceni tra il Potenza e l’Esino

Nelle zone di confine dell’entroterra marchigiano i principi umbri di Camerino vivevano a contatto con numerosi villaggi, anch’essi retti da principi guerrieri piceni. I pregevoli corredi delle necropoli, risalenti alla fine dell’VIII - inizi VI sec. a.C., documentano i fitti scambi con l’oriente greco e con l’Etruria e attestano il ruolo cruciale di queste popolazioni nei traffici mercantili tra Adriatico e Appennino, che essi controllavano e da cui traevano le loro ricchezze.

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Address Via Trieste 24 Macerata
Opening Time Visitabile liberamente
Visit Time 15 min
Entrance Fee Gratuito
Reservation Required no
Viabilities Salaria Gallica - Salaria Romana
Bookshop no
Free Guided Tour no
Guided Tour no
Parking no
Disabled Accessibility yes
Audioguide no
Didactic Rooms no
Conference room no
English language no
Public Transport no
Family Services no
  • A+
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  • P


Area archeologica "I Pini"
Area Archeologica di Potentia