At the Archaeological Area of Monte Torto, in Casenuove di Osimo, one can visit the productive area of a rustic Roman villa. There are several phases of human activity attested to at the site: the earliest, probably the original, dates back to the 1st century AD, while the latest is dated between the 4th and 6th centuries AD. The oldest nucleus of the villa is articulated in a series of environments for the production of wine and oil arranged around a large porticoed courtyard. Here are the remains of wine and oil presses and the cells for decanting and storing the resulting products. In the 4th c. AD the wing for artisanal activities was added, with environments useful for metal and ceramic processing equipped with finishing ovens. The villa of Montetorto was supplied with water that, from a perennial spring uphill, flowed through a terracotta waterway into an open cistern, located about 250 meters from the site. The water collected there was intended for animal feeding and field irrigation, as well as being useful for productive activities and clay and metal processing. The villa continued to be busy and frequented probably until the long Greek-Gothic war (535-553 AD), when the countryside was abandoned. A selection of the many ceramic materials found on this site is today displayed in the archaeological section of the Osimo Civic Museum.
We have found no place to eat in the vicinity
We have found no place to sleep in the vicinity
Vino e olio, eccellenze dell’agricoltura e della gastronomia marchigiana, sono da sempre al centro dell’economia e dell’identità culturale locale, come testimoniano i numerosi impianti per la produzione olearia e vinicola presenti sin dall’età picena nella regione. Il viaggio alla scoperta del territorio dedicato all’antica produzione dell’olio e del vino ci conduce lungo la Salaria Gallica, strada che collegava Fossombrone ad Ascoli Piceno passando per le principali colonie romane, immerse nelle verdi colline marchigiane.
Address | Via Jesi, Casenuove 334 Osimo | |
Phone Number | 0717236088 / 800228800 | |
Opening Time | Apertura su prenotazione | |
Visit Time | 45 min | |
Entrance Fee | Intero: 5€; Ridotto per gruppi di almeno 15 persone, per over 65, under 7, soci TCI e FAI: 4€; Prezzo Studenti: 3€ | |
Reservation Required | Prenotazione obbligatoria con almeno due giorni di anticipo | |
Bookshop | no | |
Free Guided Tour | Visite guidate comprese nell'accesso, previa prenotazione di almeno due giorni e per almeno 8 persone. Anche in lingua inglese | |
Guided Tour | Visite guidate comprese nell'accesso, previa prenotazione di almeno due giorni e per almeno 8 persone. Anche in lingua inglese | |
Parking | yes | |
Disabled Accessibility | no | |
Audioguide | no | |
Didactic Rooms | no; eventuali attività didattiche vengono effettuate presso l'ufficio IAT, Via Fonte Magna 12, Osimo | |
Conference room | no | |
English language | yes | |
Public Transport | limitato | |
Family Services | no |