MuPA, Paleontological Archaeological Museum of Serravalle del Chienti

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Valle del Chienti

Serravalle del Chienti

The Paleontological Archaeological Museum of Serravalle del Chienti is located in the City Hall. Born as a restoration workshop, the MuPA subsequently became a museum, gathering fossils found at the sites of Cesi and Collecurti, excavated until 2007. The fossils, dating from 700 to 900 thousand years ago, represent one of the most important testimonies of the Marche region for the period of the Lower Pleistocene. Among the documented species are hippopotamus (Hippopotamus antiquus), mammoth (Archidiskodon meridionalis vestinus), rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis), elephant (Elephas sp.), and saber tooth tiger.

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Serravalle del Chienti

Address Corso Giacomo Leopardi 52 - 56 Serravalle del Chienti
Phone Number (+39) 3396372705 (+39) 3296287270
Opening Time tutte le domeniche dalle 10:00 alle 13:00 e gli altri giorni su prenotazione per gruppi di almeno 8 persone
Visit Time 45 min
Entrance Fee intero 2 euro, ridotto 1 euro
Reservation Required si, nei giorni feriali
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  • A+
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Antiquarium Comunale “Nicola Pansoni” di Cossignano
Condotto romano di Serravalle di Chienti