Paleontological exhibition "Tools, decorations, weapons and breastplates". Palazzo Claudi, Serrapetrona

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Valle del Chienti


The Paleontological exhibition "Tools, ornaments, weapons and armor", realized by the municipal administration of Serrapetrona, with the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of the Marche, and by the Sapienza University of Rome - Department of Earth Sciences, is housed in Palazzo Claudi, in the municipality of Serrapetrona, in the province of Macerata. The exhibition, which was inaugurated in April 2017, is entirely focused on the paleontological finds of the Andrea Recchi Collection and follows the two temporary exhibitions "In the beginning the Sea ..." and "The Conquest of the Sky", likewise from same Civic Collection. The exhibition collects fossils from the USA, Brazil, China, Germany, France, Morocco, Russia, Lebanon and Lithuania and includes finds dating from the Paleozoic (about 542 million years ago) to the Pleistocene. The exhibition is divided among six halls that deal with the theme of the evolution of living organisms and in particular the "tools, weapons and armor" that are the result of changes over very long periods of time. The exhibition, characterized by a strong educational imprint, explains the evolution of teeth from dinosaurs to mammals, armored animals and animals with spines and venoms over a period of millions of years. Among the most important finds are several fossils of trilobites from Russia and Morocco, the Prosaurolophus skeleton from the US, a herbivore dinosaur of about 4 m in length which lived in North America during the Upper Cretaceous, various specimens of turtles and armored fish, and the skull of a saber-toothed tiger from Miocene deposits emerging in China.

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Address Via Rave 7 Serrapetrona
Phone Number (+39) 0733908321
Opening Time Orario Invernale: Domenica e Festivi dalle 16:00 alle 19:00. Negli altri giorni su prenotazione al n° 0733908321 in orario d’ufficio ore 08:00-13:00
Visit Time 45 min
Entrance Fee 4 euro intero; ridotto 2 euro.
Reservation Required Obbligatoria escluso domenica e festivi
Bookshop yes
Free Guided Tour yes
Guided Tour no
Parking no
Disabled Accessibility yes
Audioguide no
Didactic Rooms no
Conference room yes
English language no
Public Transport no
Family Services no
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