The Museum of the Amphorae of San Benedetto del Tronto, in the province of Ascoli Piceno, was founded on the collection of Dr. Angelo Perotti, who in 1988 donated to the municipality of San Benedetto del Tronto the amphorae recovered by sailors from San Benedetto throughout the Mediterranean basin. Since 2003, it has been located in the plexus that houses the Sea Museum of San Benedetto del Tronto. The collection is unique and the structure itself is one of the major thematic museums dealing with recovered amphorae, both for their typology as well as for their history and provenance. The Amphorae Museum is characterized by an innovative setting, both from the point of view of teaching as well as the presentation of its contents, which concern trade, products, amphorae, underwater research and naval architecture. The layout is divided into four rooms, with the first hall dedicated to the main naval trade routes of antiquity, illustrated through a wooden platform that reproduces the geography of the Mediterranean Sea. The second room is devoted to the chronological development of the main amphorae in use from the Hellenistic Age to the imperial Age, with particular regard to the typological and functional characterization of Roman-era specimens. The third hall is devoted to the maritime traffic of the Piceno area, while the last room diplays a reproduction of the skeleton of a Roman navis oneraria, on the model of one found near Marseille.
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Da Pesaro a San Benedetto del Tronto, lungo la costa Adriatica, alla scoperta dei principali porti e approdi frequentati dall’età del bronzo a oggi. Alla foce di fiumi e torrenti, entro piccole baie, promontori e grandi insenature, si svilupparono nell’antichità porti, porti canale, empori o semplici approdi. Questi scali furono il fulcro di una fitta rete di commerci marittimi che hanno dato vita a un intenso dialogo tra oriente e occidente, testimoniato dai ritrovamenti di reperti provenienti da tutto il bacino del Mediterraneo.
Address | Via Colombo (zona Porto) San Benedetto del Tronto | |
Phone Number | (+39)0735592177 | |
Opening Time | "Inverno (16 Settembre - 14 Giugno) venerdì, sabato e domenica h 10:00/13:00 - 15.30/18.30. Possibilità di visite guidate su prenotazione. Estate (15 Giugno - 15 Settembre): da martedì a domenica h. 18:00 - 24:00 Chiusura 24 - 25 Dicembre. 1 Gennaio. " | |
Visit Time | 45 min | |
Entrance Fee | 2,20€ rid. 1,20€. Esenti bambini fino a 14 anni e portatori di handicap + accompagnatore. Per gruppi (fino a 15 persone)€4,20 a persona, per la scuola €2,20 a bambino (insegnanti ingresso gratuito). Per adulti (over 65):€3,00 per tutto il PoloMusealedelMuseodelMare, €1,00 per ogni singol | |
Reservation Required | no | |
Viabilities | Salaria Romana | |
Bookshop | yes | |
Free Guided Tour | SI solo in eventi specifici | |
Guided Tour | Visite guidate per gruppi di almeno 15 persone: € 6,40 a persona per tutto il Polo Museale, € 3,40 per ogni singola struttura. | |
Parking | yes | |
Disabled Accessibility | yes | |
Audioguide | no | |
Didactic Rooms | yes | |
Conference room | no | |
English language | yes | |
Public Transport | no | |
Family Services | no |