Archaeological museum of the picene tombs of Montedinove

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Valle del Tesino


The recently set up Archaeological Museum of Montedinove is located in the former Church of the Clarisse, in the beautiful historic city center. The exhibition, among the most interesting of the Piceno area, was inaugurated in 2015 and is completely focused on twenty Picene tombs dating back to the 7th - 6th centuries BC found in the 80s in the Monte Pigna necropolis, in the municipality of Montedinove. The tombs were most likely of the same family group that probably resided in the locale of the nearby town of Case Arpini. The exhibition, equipped with an interesting educational illustrative apparatus, is completely focused on the objects found in the tombs; among these stand out objects of everyday use, weapons and splendid jewelry in bronze, iron and amber. The extremely interesting collection helps clarify some aspects of the Picene culture of Montedinove.

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that include this Archeological Site

La culla dei Piceni: Ascoli e il suo territorio

Narra la legenda che l’antico popolo dei Piceni arrivò dalla Sabina (regione montuosa tra Lazio, Umbria e Abruzzo) e si stabilì nel territorio ascolano seguendo il volo di un picchio, uccello sacro a Marte. Qui fondarono la loro capitale, l’odierna Ascoli Piceno, e occuparono tutto il territorio delle vallate del Tronto e del Tesino e, sulla costa, fondarono un grande santuario, dedicato alla dea picena Cupra. Questo itinerario vi condurrà in alcuni dei borghi più belli d’Italia, la cui storia affonda le radici negli antichi villaggi piceni.

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Address Ex Chiesa delle Clarisse Montedinove
Phone Number (+39) 0736829410
Opening Time Dal mercoledì alla domenica dalle 9:00 alle 13:00. Su prenotazione al di fuori degli orari indicati
Visit Time 30 min
Entrance Fee 2 euro intero. 1 euro ridotto under 9, over 60 e gruppi di minimo 10 persone. Gratuito disabili e accompagnatori.
Reservation Required no
Viabilities Salaria Romana
Bookshop yes
Free Guided Tour si, compresa nel costo del biglietto di ingresso
Guided Tour no
Parking no
Disabled Accessibility yes
Audioguide no
Didactic Rooms no
Conference room no
English language no
Public Transport no
Family Services no
  • A+
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Condotto romano di Serravalle di Chienti
Museo Archeologico Statale di Cingoli