Civic archeological and paleontological museum

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Valle del Foglia

Macerata Feltria

Set in the 14th-century Palazzo del Podestà, the Civic Museum of Macerata Feltria hosts numerous archaeological finds that tell the story of Montefeltro from Prehistory to the Roman Age. The tour begins in the first hall where the prehistoric finds from surface collections are visible; next is the exhibit of prehistoric materials referring to the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Ample space is devoted to the finds from the Roman city of Pitinum Pisaurense, diplayed here in rooms 3 and 4: epigraphs, coins, bronzes, objects of use, pottery, glass and architectural terracotta. Continuing the visit, one arrives in the room dedicated to the Medieval: some tombs discovered above the Decumanus Maximus of Pitino at the Medieval church of San Cassiano "in Pitino" are here reconstructed. Following is the room dedicated to inscribed bricks and tiles, and the one reserved for other ancient artifacts such as statues, clay statues, bronze objects, ceramics and votive offerings. The Civic Tower, where fossils collected in the Montefeltro and surrounding areas are located, concludes the tour.

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Macerata Feltria

Address Via dei Toschi 2 Macerata Feltria
Phone Number 3496530417
Opening Time Da metà giugno a metà settembre: martedì 9:00-13:00; giovedì, venerdì e sabato: 15:00-19:00; domenica: visite guidate gratuite, da consultare sul sito
Visit Time 1 h
Entrance Fee Adulti: 3€ Bambini da 6 a 17 anni e gruppi di minimo 8 persone: 2€ Bembini fino a 6 anni non compiuti, disabili e loro accompagnatori: gratuito
Reservation Required prenotazione obbligatoria per giorni e orari diversi da quelli indicati
Bookshop yes
Free Guided Tour da metà giugno a metà settembre, la domenica, da consultare sul sito
Guided Tour si, consultare
Parking yes
Disabled Accessibility parziale
Audioguide no
Didactic Rooms no
Conference room no
English language no
Public Transport no
Family Services no
  • A+
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  • P


Area archeologica di Pitinum Pisaurense
Parco archeologico "Antica città romana di Suasa"